Thursday, October 12, 2006

Kalki- Do you know him?

Who is the 10th incarnation of Lord Vishnu? – was the 1st question of the quiz? I didn’t know the answer but expected it to be someone familiar after all, I have grown listening to mythological fables and have been enchanted by them too. “Kalki” was the answer…at first I thought it is “Kali” but on second glance I found that it was indeed “Kalki”. I have never heard of him – I said to myself and thus began my quest to find more about him.

It was an interesting quest as it reminded me of all the incarnations of Lord Vishnu and the one that is yet to come. Yes, the tenth incarnation of Vishnu, Kalki, is suppose to arrive when the world will be at a brink of complete chaos. He will rise from the sea on a white horse and destroy all evil, probably at the end of Kalyug.

I also came to know about the interesting dispute about the 9th incarnation of Vishnu. Some people believe that Balram (Lord Krishna’s brother in Mahabharta) was the 9th incarnation whereas others believe the Budha was the 9th incarnation. Here too, there are two different beliefs for the purpose of this incarnation. According to one belief Vishnu incarnated as Buddha to preach non-violence and against animal sacrificing in religious ceremony. According to other belief, Vishnu incarnated as Buddha to start a new religion with a specific intention to convince some demons to give up worshipping Lord Shiva. For, Lord Shiva protected his worshippers and these demons used this protection to do whatever they wanted. Buddha convinced them with his new religion and they stopped worshipping Lord Shiva, which in turn allowed Shiva to punish them.

The incarnations of Lord Vishnu are mentioned in order below:
  • Matsya (The fish incarnation)
  • Kurma (The turtle)
  • Varaha (The boar)
  • Narsimha (Half man and half animal)
  • Vamana (The dwarf )
  • Parsuram (The Priest)
  • Rama (as in Ramayana)
  • Krishna (as in Mahabharta)
  • Balram or Budha
  • Kalki (yet to appear)

I got the information from the following sites and will recommend visiting them to get more information on the incarnations of Lord Vishnu and more: